I am Masan, a web developer based in Salatiga, ID.
I am interested in learning new things in web development. This website is where I share the projects I've been working on so far.

About Me


Hello, my name is Masan Abdi Wicaksono, I am 22 years old enthusiastic self-taught web developer from Indonesia, currently fresh graduated from Satya Wacana Christian University as a Bachelor of Information System. I am a life-long learner who is interested in learning things in the world of web development and maybe in the future I will go into mobile development. I strive to use modern web technologies and create websites that look great, are easy to use, and work well.


The projects that I've been working so far

Inventory & Point of Sales Slingbag Salatiga

Inventory & Point of Sales Slingbag Salatiga is an application to manage the goods contained in the warehouse from SlingbagSalatiga. This application can also serve buyers with its cashier feature (Point of Sales feature). This application is built using PHP with the Codeigniter 3 framework, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, with SB Admin 2 as the admin template. This application is the result of collaboration with aryanataandi.


E-Surat UPTD SPNF SKB Salatiga is an application for archiving incoming and outgoing letters at non-formal schools in Salatiga, namely UPTD SPNF SKB Salatiga. this application is built using PHP with the Codeigniter 4 framework, and the SB Admin 2 admin template which is built with Bootstrap 4.

This application is able to add, change, delete incoming and outgoing mail, add disposition of incoming mail, print reports of letters, monitor mail stored in this application. Every existing transaction is automatically stored in a log that can be used for administrative purposes.

Sistem Monitoring Guru
YP Eben Haezer GKI Salatiga

Sistem Monitoring Guru is an assessment application for teachers that can measure various competency parameters including pedagogy, personality, social, and professional competencies associated with the implementation of the teacher's main tasks.

This application has features including graphs of assessment results, assessment reports, teacher identities, teacher assessments by fellow teachers, students, parents, and colleagues, institutional assessments, and the results of calculating credit scores.

Kecamatan Sidorejo

SIMAngkel (Sistem Manajemen Anggaran Kelurahan) is a budget management system in the Sidorejo village. This application is built using PHP with the Codeigniter framework and the admin interface uses AdminLTE 3.0 which is built with bootstrap 4. This application is the result of collaboration with aryanataandi.

This application has features, namely SPJ submission, budget registration, budget reports, SPJ submission reports per activity, SPJ submission reports per sub-activity, SPJ submission reports per village, reporting with output in Excel and PDF form.

Website Portfolio

My own portfolio using a simple responsive design was built using HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Bootstrap 5.


Things I Love

The things that I do in my spare time


I like to build attractive, interactive, easy-to-use websites with a combination of HTML, CSS, Javascript with related frameworks


PHP is a programming language that got me into the world of web programming and made me want to learn more about it. The project I've been working on is the result of PHP with the help of existing frameworks


With the experience gained from the Oracle database course that I got while I was in college, I'm interested in digging deeper into SQL and all about databases

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